[vdsm] Minor infra tasks
Saggi Mizrahi
2014-04-06 09:11:31 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "ybronhei" <ybronhei at redhat.com>
To: "Saggi Mizrahi" <smizrahi at redhat.com>, "Barak Azulay" <bazulay at redhat.com>, "Dima Kuznetsov"
<dkuznets at redhat.com>, "Mooli Tayer" <mtayer at redhat.com>, "Yeela Kaplan" <ykaplan at redhat.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 6, 2014 12:05:17 PM
Subject: Re: Minor infra tasks
I made a fake project on github for minor infra tasks.
I'm going to add more stuff later.
Feel free to pick up something to do if you have the
i suggest to forward it also to nsofer pioter martin toni ... even all
vdsm-devel. all can help with those
they can also add issues for us
Yaniv Bronhaim.